1 |
Advice on slope stability condition of X-Quarry at Sukinda Chromite Mine, Odisha, Tata Steel. |
Sukinda Chromite Mine |
CNP/4809/2019-20. |
2 |
Advice on fly ash filling in Gare Pelma sector III opencast coal mine using ash from CSPGCL. |
CSPGCL ,Raipur
CNP/4811/2019-20 |
3 |
Advice for improvement in rock fragmentation to enhance production and productivity with greater safety at Noamundi, Katamati, Joda East and Khondbond Iron Mines of Tata Steel. |
Tata Stee |
CNP/4821/2019-20. |
4 |
Advice for designing of controlled blasting patterns at Mukutban limestone & dolomite mining project of m/s RCCPL Pvt. Ltd. |
M/s RCCPL Pvt. Limited |
CNP/4823/2019-20 |
5 |
Advice on sand and coarse aggregate/murrum samples regarding mining project of Banda (UP). |
Environmental Research and Analysis
CNP/4842/2019-20 |
6 |
Advice on Review of Mining Plan of Jyoti Pahari Kyanite Mine |
JSMDC Limited |
CNP/4843/2019-20 |
7 |
Advice for improvement in rock fragmentation to enhance production and productivity with greater safety at Sukinda Chromite mine of Tata Steel Ltd. |
Sukinda Chromite Mine
CNP/4848/2019-20 |
8 |
Advice on use of ash from DCPP with overburden at Gare Pelma IV/1 Opencast mine, Tamnar Phase- III(4)
The Head (Environment)
CNP/4862/2019-20 |
9 |
Advice for strata monitoring instrumentation and preparation of instrumentation plan for K2 panel of R-V seam at Khottadih Colliery, ECL |
Eastern Coalfields Limited
CNP/4866/2019-20 |
10 |
Advice for optimization of blast design parameters at Bailadila Opencast Mine,
Bacheli Complex, NMDC to improve productivity of the mine with effective
utilization of explosive energy and reduction of blasting hazards.
M/s NMDC Ltd. |
CNP/4869/2019-20 |
11 |
Advice on fill optimization for Rajpura Dariba Mine, HZL.
M/s Hindustan Zinc Limited
CNP/4871/2019-20 |
12 |
Design for Induced caving by Blasting for the Depillaring Workings of the King Seam at PVK 5 Incline Mine, SCCL for the Designated CM Project Area of M/s GainwellComosales Private Limited |
Gainwell Commosales Private Limited
CNP/4872/2019-20 |
13 |
Advice on electrical safety parameters of one no. partially Purged Control Panel Ex ‘p’ Z-Type in size of 1000mm(L) x 800(W) x 2100(H) & 600mm(L) x 600mm(W) x 2100mm(H) as per IS/IEC 60079:2-2007 and NFPA-496-2008 suitable for use in hazardous area |
M/s Elctronic Instrumentation & Control Pvt. ltd. |
CNP/4878/2019-20 |
14 |
Advice for designing of controlled blasting parameters for safety of nearby
houses/structures at stone quarry located at Mauza Katnikol, Block No. 15, Sheikhpura, Bihar.
M/s Broadway Links Pvt.Ltd.
CNP/4883/2019-20 |
15 |
M/s.Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited
CNP/4885/2019-20 |
16 |
Advice on suitability of crushed OB for cemented backfill at Mahagiri mine, IMFA |
Head Mining Business Unit,IMFA
CNP/4886/2019-20 |
17 |
Advice on Suitability of Bottom Ash for stowing at Jitpur colliery, SAIL. |
Jitpur Colliery,SAIL
CNP/4887/2019-20 |
18 |
Advice for Preparation of Strata Control and Monitoring Plan (SCAMP) for the Development of XI Seam of Jamadoba Colliery, Tata Steel Limited |
Tata Steel Limited (TSL)
CNP/4894/2019-20 |
19 |
Optimum design of external dumps of 120m height aOptimum design of external dumps of 120m height and internal dump upto ultimate pit limited at PakriBarwadih Coal Mining Project of NTPC Ltd. |
CNP/4901/2019-20 |
20 |
Advice on pit slope Stability of Kerandari ‘A’ Coal Block. |
Sikri Site Office, Kerandari CMP
CNP/4905/2019-20 |
21 |
Advice for Preparation of Strata Control and Monitoring Plan (SCAMP) for the Development of VIII Seam of 6&7 Pits Bhutgoria Amalgamated Colliery, Tata Steel Limited. |
M/s Tata Steel Limited
CNP/4908/2019-20 |
22 |
Advice on use of coal ash from DCPP with overburden at Gare Palma IV/1 opencast mine, Tamnar – Phase IV(1) |
DCPP, Jindal steel & power limited (CG)
CNP/4909/2019-20 |
23 |
Advice for Preparation of Strata Control and Monitoring Plan (SCAMP) for the Depillaring of XV/4-S Panel in XV Seam of Jamadoba Colliery, Tata Steel Limited |
Tata Steel Limited (TSL)
CNP/4912/2019-20 |
24 |
Advice on preparation of Strata control and monitoring plan for ‘V’seam (23/8 incline) of Bhowra (N) UG Mine, E.J. Area, BCCL.
Bhowra (N) UG Mine |
CNP/4919/2019-20 |
25 |
Advice on instrumentation scheme and monitoring on backfilling of stope blocks 1,4P and 6P at Mahagiri mine, IMFR. |
IMFA, Bhubaneswar
CNP/4921/2019-20 |
26 |
Advice on use of coal ash from DCPP with oberburden at Gare Palma IV/1 opencast mine, Tamnar- Phase IV(2) |
DCPP, Jindal steel & power limited (CG) |
CNP/4923/2019-20 |
27 |
Advice on study for depillaring of 124LW panel by Continuous Miner (CM) Technology in East Block of Churcha Mine (RO), Baikunthpur Area, SECL. |
M/s GMMCO Limited
CNP/4928/2019-20 |
28 |
Advice for controlled blasting at stone mine No. 4 of Arena Food & Agro Industries Pvt. Ltd., Sheikhpura, Bihar to keep ground vibrations, noise/air overpressure and flyrocks within safe limits.
M/s Arena Food & Agro Industries Pvt. Limited
CNP/4929/2019-20 |
29 |
Advice for optimization of blast design parameters at Rawan Limestone Mine to improve productivity with due safety to the structures in the periphery of the mine. |
M/s Ambuja Cement Limted
CNP/4932/2019-20 |
30 |
Advice on Slope Steepening and Optimum Pit Slope Design for Quarry D of South Kaliapani Chromite Mine of OMC Ltd. |
The Odisha Mining Corporation Ltd. |
CNP/4933/2019-20 |
31 |
Advice on stability of underground workings and overlying strata at Talcher coalfields, MCL.
CNP/4937/2019-20 |
32 |
Advice on electrical safety parameters of Three Nos. Partially Purged Control Panel Ex ‘p’ in size of 1600mmx800mmx2000mm, 1000mmx800mmx1600mm and 800mmx800mmx1600mm as per IS/IEC 60079:2-2007 and NFPA-496-2017 suitable for use in hazardous area of M/s. Electronic Instrumentation & Control Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad (Gujarat) |
M/s Electronic Instrumentation & Control Pvt. Ltd |
CNP/4940/2019-20 |
33 |
Scientific study and advice for controlled blasting practices to minimize ground vibration, fly-rock, Air overpressure at Gere Stone Mine of M/s Katyayni Contractors Pvt. Ltd. |
M/s Katyayni Contractors Pvt. Ltd.
CNP/4942/2019-20 |
34 |
Advice for depillaring of 16 East Panel by Continuous Miner (CM) Technology in East Block of Churcha Mine (RO), Baikunthpur Area, SECL |
M/s GMMCO Limited
CNP/4952/2020-21 |
35 |
Advice on use of coal ash from DCPP with overburden at Gare Pelma IV/1 opencast mine, Tamnar-Phase IV(3) |
The Head (Environment) DCPP, JSPL
CNP/4953/2020-21 |
36 |
Advice for designing of controlled blasting patterns for the safety of nearby residential structures at Talabira - II & III OCP . |
M/s Talabira (Odisha) Mining Pvt. Limited
CNP/4955/2020-21 |
37 |
Advice on use of coal ash from jharsuguda Captive Power Plant for filling in underground mines. |
Vedanta Limited
CNP/4958/2020-21 |
38 |
Scientific study for Slope Stability of Slime Dump of Katamati Iron Ore Mine and advice thereon for Tata Steel Limited. |
Tata Steel Limited
CNP/4959/2020-21 |
39 |
Scientific Study for Slope Stability of Gare Palma IV/4 and advice thereon for Hindalco Industries Ltd. |
Hindalco Industries Limited
CNP/4960/2020-21 |
40 |
Scientific Study for Slope Stability Analysis of Pit and Dump and advice thereon for Chatti-Bariatu Coal Mining Block, NTPC |
CNP/4961/2020-21 |
41 |
Blast vibration prediction and suggestion of blast designs for initial mining operations at Sonadih Limestone Mines(ML-1) considering the safety of nearby surface features. |
M/s Nuvoco Vistas Corp. Ltd.
CNP/4962/2020-21 |
42 |
Advice for Preparation , Formulation and Implementation of Strata control and monitoring plan as per CMR-2017 (123) for Depillaring of Panel No. 45 of No.3 seam NCPH Colliery R-6 Mine, Chirimiri Area, SECL. |
South Eastern Coalfields Area
CNP/4965/2020-21 |
43 |
Advice on electrical safety parameter of pressurized (Ex'p') Motor Rated at 10580KW, 6.6KV, 4Pole in Frame Size 1TH4943-4as per IS/IEC:60079-2:2014 for use in Zone-1 and gas Group IIA, IIB &IIC hazardous area. |
M/s Bharath Heavy Electrical Limited
CNP/4966/2020-21 |
44 |
Advice on Electrical Safety parameters of three nos. of increased safety Ex 'eb' and Non-Sparking Ex 'ec' motors rated at 1200KW, 11KV, 4Pole, Frame Size: 1SJ7632-4; 2750KW, 11KV, 2Pole, Frame Size: 1SJ1713-........in hazardous areas. |
M/s. Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited
CNP/4967/2020-21 |
45 |
Optimal design and stability analysis of overburden dump at South Kaliapani Chromite Mine and advice thereon for Odisha Mining Corporation Ltd., |
DGM (Mining), Odisha Mining Corporation Ltd. |
CNP/4970/2020-21 |
46 |
Advice on use of coal ash from DCPP with overburden at Gare Pelma IV/1 opencast mine, Tamnar - Phase IV (4). |
The Head (Environment),
CNP/4971/2020-21 |
47 |
Advice for design of extraction methodology for development and depillaring of RV seam using continuous miner at MIC, Jhanjra Project Colliery,ECL |
M/s Gainwell Mining private Limited |
CNP/4975/2020-21 |
48 |
Advice for depillaring of 15 East Panel by Continuous Miner Technology in East Block of Churcha Mine (RO), Baikunthpur Area, SECL. |
M/s GMMCO Limited
CNP/4978/2020-21 |
49 |
Advice on use of coal ash from DCPP with overburden at Gare Palma IV/1 opencast mine, Tamnar |
Jindal Steel & Power
CNP/4981/2020-21 |
50 |
Scientific Study of Slope Stability for OB Dumps and Pit Slope and advice therein for Bharatpur OCP, Bharatpur Area, McL |
Mahanadi Coalfields Limited |
CNP/4982/2020-21 |
51 |
Advice for depillaring of the 7D Panel by Continuous Miner technology at Churcha East Block of Churcha Mine (RO), Baikunthpur Area, SECL. |
M/s GMMCO Limited
CNP/4986/2020-21 |
52 |
Advice on technical evaluation of safe and sustainable underground operation at gare Palma IV/5 Coal mine of m/s Hindalco Industries Limited, Raigarh(CG) |
M/s Hindalco Industries Limited
CNP/4987/2020-21 |
53 |
Advice on pit slope and high wall slope stability of QAB and QSE quarries of West Bokaro Collieries of Tata Steel. |
Tata Steel Ltd.,
CNP/4989/2020-21 |
54 |
Scientific study for ultimate pit slope design and advice thereon for Gare Palma IV/4 coal mine |
M/s Hindalco Industries Ltd.,
CNP/4990/2020-21 |
55 |
Advice on electrical safety parameter of Pressurized (Ex'p') Motor Rated at 1430KW,6.6KV,4 Pole in Frame Size 1SB7636-4 for use in Zone- 1 & 2 for Gas Group IIC Hazardous areas. |
M/s Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited
CNP/4992/2020-21 |
56 |
Scientific study for slope stability, ultimate pit slope design and dump slope design and advice thereon for ROCP/S Jhanjra Mine of Bastacolla Area IX, BCCL. |
M/s BCCL |
CNP/4993/2020-21 |
57 |
Advice for evaluation of RMR at Patmohana Colliery, Sodepur Area, ECL. |
Eastern Coalfield Limited
CNP/4997/2020-21 |
58 |
Scientific study and advice as per regulation 196 (2) , (3) and (4) of the CMR 2017 for controlled deep hole blasting at Ara-Kundi-Devalgadda and Chsmatu Patches of Magadh OcP, Magadh-Amrapali Area. |
Central Coalfields Limited
CNP/4999/2020-21 |
59 |
Scientific study for RMR determination of combined seam (geo. V/VI/VII seam) at Mahespur Colliery, Govindpur Area, BCCL. |
Bharat Coking Coal Limited
CNP/5001/2020-21 |
60 |
Advice on Barricade design and high density hydraulic fill at Mocha and Paste fill at Zawarmala mines. |
Hindusthan Zinc Limited |
CNP/5003/2020-21 |
61 |
Scientific study and advice on designing of controlled blasting pattern for safety of surface of features at Argat Limestone Mine of Sidhi cement Works. |
Ultratech Cement Limited |
CNP/5004/2020-21 |
62 |
Advice for designing of controlled blasting patterns for carrying out safe blasting operations near the electric lines at Khandbandh Iron Ore Mines of M/s Sree Metaliks Limited, Odisha. |
Khandbandh Iron Ore Mine
CNP/5005/2020-21 |
63 |
Advice on stability of the construction site for DAV School at Lingaraj area, MCL. |
Mahanadi Coalfields Limited
CNP/5006/2020-21 |
64 |
Advice on electrical safety parameters of Oil Mist Console/Generator for suitable use in hazardous area Zone 2, Gas Group IIA/IIB/IIC. |
FEPL ENGG Private Limited
CNP/5008/2020-21 |
65 |
Scientific study and advice thereon for the Design of Pit slope Slope of AADOCM, Dhori Area, CCL. |
Central Coalfields Limited
CNP/5011/2020-21 |
66 |
Advice for the depillaring of 114L West Panel by continuous Miner Technology in the East Block of Churcha Mine (RO) , Baikunthpur Area, SECL. |
M/s GMMCO Limited
CNP/5014/2020-21 |
67 |
Advice on subsidence prediction and management study pertaining to Jaganathpur-B coal block of raniganj coalfield |
Power Plus Traders Pvt. ltd. |
CNP/5015/2020-21 |
68 |
Advice for depillaring of the 97L East panel by continuous Miner Technology in the East Block of Churcha Mine (RO) Baikunthpur Area, SECL. |
M/s GMMCO Limited
CNP/5019/2020-21 |
69 |
Advice on design of FRS barricade for hydraullic filled stopes of Rajpura Dariba Mines. |
Hindusthan Zinc Limited
CNP/5022/2020-21 |
70 |
Advice on use of bottom ash as a stowing material for underground mines of Chasnalla. |
Steel Authority of India Limited
CNP/5023/2020-21 |
71 |
Scientific study for assessment of blasting impact on the surrounding environment and advice for designing of controlled blasting patterns at Dalpahar Iron and Manganese Mines of M/s D.C.Jain, Keonjhar, Odisha. |
Dalpahar Iron and Manganese Mines of D.C. Jain
CNP/5028/2020-21 |
72 |
Scientific study for pit slope stability and advice thereon for religara colliery, central Coalfieds Limited |
Religara Colliery, CCL
CNP/5030/2020-21 |
73 |
Scientific study and advice on designing of controlled blasting pattern for safety of surface features at Budgauna and Majhgawan Limestone Mines of M/s Ultratech Cement Ltd.,( Unit : Sidhi Cement Works) |
Ultratech Cement Limited |
CNP/5031/2020-21 |
74 |
Advice on use of coalash from DCPP with overburden at Gare Pelma IV/1 opencast mine, Tamnar (V/1). |
Jindal Steel & Power Limited
CNP/5035/2020-21 |
75 |
Energy Sector Inventory : Biennial update report (BUR-2, BUR-3) and Third National Communication (TNC) |
Inspire Network for Environment |
CNP/7147/2016-17 |
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