a. Thermo analytical facility for basic studies (TGA-DSC)
b. Drop Tube Furnace (DTF)
c. Fuel Evaluation Test Facility (FETF)
ii) Renewable Energy &BioTechnologySection
Sl. No. | A brief description of Facilities/ Equipment/Tools/software with photos |
Major Facilities | |
1 | Phase Contrast Microscope: Facility created and used for microbial identification Centrifuge: Facility used for value added products extraction from algae Algal Culture Lab Facilities for culturing micro algae Fermenter: Facility for Biofuel production Bio methane reactor:Facility for methane production ![]() Photo Bioreactor: Facility for pilot scale culture of micro algae ![]() Bio-methane Reactor: Facility for Moveable bio-methane reactor for rural energy demand ![]() Flat panel photobioreactor: For algal culture ![]() Lab scale photobioreactor: For algae culture ![]() Cylindrical photo-bioreactor: For CO2 capture studies ![]() Hybrid photobioreactor: For algae culture ![]() Renewable Energy and Biotechnology Research Highlights |
2 | Thermogravimetric Analyser (TGA-DSC, Model STA 449F3, NEZSCH, Germany): Used to study combustion behavior of coal, coal blends and coal biomass blends in lab scale. DTF (Drop Tube Furnace, 1-3kg/hr): Used to study combustion behavior of coal, coal blends and coal biomass blends in bench scale. FETF (Fuel Evaluation Test Facility, 25-70kg/hr): To study combustion behavior of coal, coal blends in pilot scale and study oxy-fuel combustion. |
Sl.No. | Project | Sponsor |
Combustion Science and Technology Section | ||
1 | Co-combustion under Clean Coal Technology (TapCoal) CSIR-12th FYP project | Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) |
2 | Oxy-fuel Combustion under Clean Coal Technology (TapCoal) CSIR-12th FYP project | CSIR |
3 | Looping Combustion under Clean Coal Technology (TapCoal) CSIR-12th FYP project | CSIR |
4 | Advanced ceramic materials and components for energy and structural application (CERMESA) CSIR-12th FYP project | CSIR |
5 | Investigation on the combustion behavior of coals/coal blends of different types and origin to assess their suitability for pulverized coal injection in Blast Furnace | TATA STEEL, Jamshedpur |
6 | Energy Sector Inventory: [Biennial Update Report and Third National Communication]: Preparation of National GHG emission Inventory for Energy and Manufacturing Industries for different years | United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), New Delhi |
7 | Normative coal requirement for different industries | Coal India Limited,Kolkata |
8 | Utilization of Sludge by blending with coal | CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur |
Coal to Chemicals Section | ||
9 | Study the conversion of pyridinebased chemicals to pharmaceutically important molecules: | CSIR-CIMFR, In house |
10 | Pilot scale demonstration of “silica composite “Si-Bps- HAs” (Silica-Botanical pesticides-Humic acid) from coal ash/biomass ash/biogenic silica richresources as bio-pesticide foragricultural/store grain pests control | CSIR |
11 | Pilot scale demonstration of coal mine water usage for commercial algal production for food – fertilizer in hybrid photo-bioreactor for combating malnutrition | CSIR |
12 | Bio-processing of coal industrial effluent and coal fines recovery using aquatic plants and phototrophs | Central Power Research Institute (CPRI), Bangalore |
13 | Bio-methanationof coal rejects/low grade coal andbiomass -Demonstration Modelat villageGaurigram, Chandankiyari, Dhanbad | CSIR |
14 | TAP COAL: CO2 mitigation, bio-H2 production & recovery of novel bio-products from coal combustion flue gas using micro algae | CSIR |
15 | CO2 capture through microbial route in pilot scale GAIL;Pata | GAIL, Pata |
16 | Study of CO2 signaling among single cell and filamentous microalgae under elevated CO2 and screening of high value products for commercial application | CSIR-CIMFR, In house |
17 | Process for synthesis of PHA(polyhydroxyalkanoic acids)- A biodegradable plastics from bio-depolymerized lower rank coal | CSIR-CIMFR, In house |
18 | Screening andcharacterization of extremophilesmethanogenicbacterial consortiumin coal bed methane reservoir and study on its application for recovery ofmethane | CSIR-CIMFR, In house |
19 | Art & Craft from coal- Skill development for rural women | CSIR-CIMFR, In house |
20 | Renewable and bio-degradable novel fabrics and pigments from CO2 capture algal biomass for commercial application | CSIR-CIMFR, In house |
To provide basic R&D and industry support in the area of coal combustion, clean coaltechnologies, coal derived chemicals, clean fuel solution andbio-processes.